Gem S.T.A.R. Driving School

Student/Parent Class Information
Course Objective:To provide students with a basic understanding of motor vehicle operations and safety.

Course Supplies:For each class, students must bring the following:

-A pencil, a folder and a supply of paper.
-The textbook will be checked out to each student for the duration of the course. Students are responsible for replacing lost or damaged textbooks up to the full replacement cost of $40.00
-The Idaho Driver’s Manual will be issued and may be kept as a reference.

Course Grading:Each student must obtain a grade of “B” or above to successfully pass the driver education course and to receive a driver’s license. The grade is determined by three criteria. Each of these criteria will contribute 1/3 of the overall course grade. These are:

- 1)Attitude
- 2)Classroom written work and testing
- 3)Behind-the-wheel performance and testing.

Scoring for classroom work is based on the total of points earned from quizzes, assignments and tests. A percentage is calculated and a letter grade assigned according to the following scale:

-90% - 100% = A
-80%-89% =B
-Below 80% = NON-PASS

Scoring for behind the wheel performance is based upon the following scale:

-A Performs actions appropriately and without coaching 90% - 100%
-B Some coaching necessary 80% - 89%
-F Cannot reliably perform skill 0%

The attitude score is 100% at the beginning of the course and may be deducted throughout the course for any of the following reasons:

-1. Failure to follow class rules
-2. unexplained driving lesson absences without prior arrangements or communication
-3. Exhibited lack of serious concern for laws and safety issues
-4. Disruptive behavior while observing driving or while in the classroom
-5. Any student caught driving in violation of their instruction permit will automatically receive a failing grade.

Classroom Attendance: Each student is required to attend a minimum of 30 hours of classroom instruction.

In-Vehicle instruction attendance: Each student is required to complete 6 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction and 6 hours of in-vehicle observation.