Gem S.T.A.R. Driving School

Instructions for Obtaining Instructional Driving Permit

(The following information is a general reference only, for the most recent and complete information, please visit the Idaho DMV website).

1.Payment of the course fee must be received by the instructor prior to obtaining the driving permit. A letter of “Verification of Compliance” will be provided to the Department of Licensing once this step is completed.

2.Go to Latah County Department of Licensing with the following:

A.Student (must be physically present)
B.“Verification of Compliance” letter
C.Social Security Card
D.Picture I.D. (A.S.B. card)
E.Student’s Certified Birth Certificate
F.Biological parent or Legal Guardian must be present with proper identification. Legal guardian must also provide documentation of legal guardianship status

3.Vision Exam

4. A fee payable to Latah County (check with the department of Licensing for current fee amount).

Department of Licensing
Latah County Blaine Building
1313 S. Blaine Street
Moscow, ID